How To Stop Being a
Hot Mess And Start Being a Hotter Couple

Exclusive FREE Masterclass For Coaches, Trainers and Entrepreneurs

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Million Rupees Formula Conquer Procrastination & Skyrocket Your Productivity in

90 Minutes!

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Secret # 1

How to Understand Natural Energy Cycle?

Understanding Your Natural Energy Cycle Everyone has natural peaks and valleys in the energy levels throughout the day. In this webinar you will learn how to work according to your energy levels by paying attention to when you feel most alert and energetic so that you can work at your full potential at a very less time.

Secret # 2

How to Set the Million Dollar Routine?

Setting the million dollar routine highly successful people follow to create the career and life they love.In this webinar, you will learn to dedicate one hour a day for yourself to discover your powerful inner potential. Establishing a consistent routine can help eliminate procrastination ,laziness,fear and gain confidence, and clarity to increase productivity

Secret # 3

How To SetYour Clear boundaries

Setting Clear boundariesEliminating Self Limiting BeliefsIn this webinar you willunderstand the impact ofself-limiting beliefs andhow they are insidious andprevent you from taking riskand pursuing opportunities

Secret #1

How to Understand Natural Energy Cycle ?

Understanding Your Natural Energy Cycle Everyone has natural peaks and valleys in the energy levels throughout the day. In this webinar you will learn how to work according to your energy levels by paying attention to when you feel most alert and energetic so that you can work at your full potential at a very less time.

Master The Top 3 Secrets

Secret #1

How to Understand Natural Energy Cycle ?

Understanding Your Natural Energy Cycle Everyone has natural peaks and valleys in the energy levels throughout the day. In this webinar you will learn how to work according to your energy levels by paying attention to when you feel most alert and energetic so that you can work at your full potential at a very less time.

Secret #2

How to Set the Million Dollar Routine?

Setting the million dollar routine highly successful people follow to create the career and life they love.In this webinar, you will learn to dedicate one hour a day for yourself to discover your powerful inner potential. Establishing a consistent routine can help eliminate procrastination ,laziness,fear and gain confidence, and clarity to increase productivity

Secret #3

How To Set Your Clear boundaries

Setting Clear boundaries Eliminating Self Limiting BeliefsIn this webinar you willunderstand the impact ofself-limiting beliefs andhow they are insidious andprevent you from taking riskand pursuing opportunities

Let us Crack the Million Dollar Secret Online !

At the End of the Masterclass You will Learn...

  • To overcome your Self limiting

    beliefs identify and overcome self-limiting believes that

    can hold them back from achieving their goals by

    changing these believes and building self-confidence

    participants can become more productive and successful.

  • To manage your energy

    around time by using a powerful technique that will identify

    your peak energy level this will help you maximise your

    productivity and achieve your goals.

  • Entrepreneurs can often be overwhelmed with many task

    and responsibilities involved in running a business. This

    webinar will provide guidance on how to prioritise and

    focus on the most important task which can help you gain

    clarity and focus

Join US For This FREE Masterclass…

and Learn How to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Your Productivity


“A Cupid’s Guide To Staying Weird Together”

Worth Rs.4999/-

Secret Bonus

Only For Those Who Stay Till The End Of The Masterclass

Worth Rs.9999/-


SHILPAA- KABIR ARE INDIA’S FIRST PREMIUM LOVE MANIFESTATION COACHES FOR WILD & FREE SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES. They are the founder of Soulscape. Shilpa and Kabir come together from similar past of seeking love right since childhood, understanding the deep need of love for all humans.

Shilpa Goyyal is Wild and Free Spirited Soul, who since her childhood resonated with the story of “Alice In The Wonderland”, who always lived in her own dreamworld. She always felt she could not FIT IN in the traditional Indian mindset mentality and she was way too advanced in her thinking as compared to her family and society. This Uniqueness came with a cost. Shilpa has been through lot of emotional trauma in her personal and professional life to the point that she touched rock bottom and lost everything and every relation that she once felt was hers, and she lost all hopes to live. Alternate Healing and solo travelling opened doors for her, to reflect back on her life and start life from scratch connecting her with her mission. She discovered what self-love is, how important it is to have your own self-worth, she connected once again with her broken parts and felt in love with her UNIQUENESS once again and this time forever. Today Shilpa is a successful coach , healer and a clinical hypnotherapist for people around the world.  

Aman Kabir Juneja is an IT professional turned entrepreneur and a coach. Through the varied experiences of life, Aman understood the value and importance of love, both for Self and others. His myriads of experiences of seeking love right since early childhood years, and then going through multiple heartbreaks, took him on a path of healing and self-discovery. Travelling through various spiritual places in India, studying under different Gurus and mentors, practicing different methods of traditional Yog and meditations, he learnt and experienced the power of love and the essence of it in human life. His divine learnings and experiences, studying and practising under different Gurus for 9 years and more, gave him his life's bigger purpose and mission.

After closing their doors to love for years, Shilpaa-Kabir beautifully manifested each other through their years of self-work, and together they are on a beautiful mission of helping 10,00,000 free-spirited couples and individuals find love and flourish in love.

Be The Light !


Hi ! I am Shahnaz…

Mantra of my life is “Make your life a master piece by taking charge of yourself and overcoming self-instilled barrier and limitations.”

A confident happy being who loves to bring out the best in people. Being a Psychology Post Graduate I connect naturally with people from all walks of life.

I have worked in diverse domains such as IT sector, HR, Operations Management both locally and internationally.

My programs are designed to transform people lives. My training portfolio includes Effective Communication, Personality Development, Stress and Time Management, Creative and Team Building, Relationship Coach, and Image Management.

My sessions have been attended by employees of State Bank of India, CEO’s, FMCG employees, Teachers, Marine Engineers and Entrepreneur.

I have a keen interest to increase my knowledge and keep improving my skills.My passion is to inspire people and to be connected with them, I engage with them through my regular podcast channel

“THE CHANGE WITHIN US ” to bring out their best and motivate them.

Important Instructions

  • BLOCK 90 MINUTES - This will be an in-

    depth LIVE session. Sit in a quiet place to learn.

  • TAKE NOTES - Please have your notepad pen and

    paper handy before you come in.

  • GET CLARITY - Ask questions at the end of the session

    to get all points clarified.

Don’t Just Take My Word For It,
Here’s What Others Have To Say…


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The Change Within Us

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Bonus #2

Daily Planner Template

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Free Masterclass Reveals The REAL Secrets To Earning The 'Two Comma Club' Award!

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